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This page is a compilation of all of our

upcoming events!

  • Spring Semester Kickoff!
    • February 1st, 7pm and place TBD
  • Workdays and Harvest Handouts (ongoing through the growing season, so not currently happening)
    •  Meet us at the farm from 9:30-11:30am every Sunday to garden and harvest our vegetables.
    • If you can't make it out to the farm, be sure to stop by East Campus mall between noon and 1pm to pick up your free vegetables!
*How to get to our farm plot: Once you enter Eagle Heights Community Gardens, keep going down the hill until you see our blue shed. Then, take a right, pass the cement-blocked compost area, and bada-bing-bada-boom you’re there!


You can bike to our garden using the Lakeshore Path. Keep going past Picnic Point until you reach Lake Mendota Dr. Go up the hill, and the community gardens on the right. 

You can also bus to us using the 80. Get off at the "Lake Mendota & Eagle Heights" stop.

Upcoming Events

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